Books, recipes and fog

1. This week's library stack, 2. Bougainvillea. 3. A new recipe book, 4. Veggie patch, mulberry tree and the bee hive in the afternoon light, 5. Take off, 6 & 7. Foggy morning, 8. Puss puss and the fog.

Fog blanketed our morning, like a charming filter smoothing out the hard edges. The children's excitement encouraged me out of bed and I picked up my camera to capture the eerie beauty our cloud filled surrounds. It's not often we get such a thick fog in these parts. It offered a magical touch to the morning.

In little pockets of time, between working, mothering and housekeeping, I have been reading from my new library pile - Six Square Meters, You can buy happiness, Vintage made modern and Better than before. I've been transcribing my tried and tested recipes into a new notebook, as my old one is stained and falling apart after much use and love. I've been pottering around the garden - weeding, watering and planting seeds. I remember reading that if you want to harvest something each day you must plant something each day, and I am slowly building my garden up again and planting seeds for future food and flowers. My sweet toddler is happy to join me in these pursuits, stealing my gardening tools and burying his feet and asking to be picked. He's learning not to pick the green tomatoes, and which are weeds and which aren't. He's quite diligent in transferring the pulled weeds to the compost bin, which is a certainly a win.

I've also discovered a great new (to me) podcast - The Low Tox Life
A great new (to me) blog - The Rogue Ginger
A new place to get bamboo toothbrushes - Magic Earth Mumma

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