In the garden

Three beautiful visitors to our backyard - Laughing Kookaburras

More new pets, some kind of hairy caterpillar. A big one and a tiny one.

Emerson's (5 yrs) drawing of the above caterpillar. I love the way she has sounded out her writing!
'ise gub' - itchy grub
'beb ise gub' - baby itchy grub

Worms, flowers, lizard and fungi.

We spent Sunday morning in the garden and Sunday afternoon in our Nature Journals. While weeding our flower bed, we found worms, a lizard and fungi and brought them inside to draw. Meanwhile, the toddler called me to the window to show me a kookaburra in the Mulberry tree. As we watched, it was joined by two other kookaburras, one which looked quite young. I have never seen three kookaburras in our yard before! The adults stabbed their strong beaks into the soil before returning to the tree, where they remained for quite some time. Such beautiful visitors!

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