
Thirty thousand micro-livestock will be living with us for the next couple of months. Three boxes of honey bees, whose honey we have actually been eating for the past year or so. My dearest friend is moving house and needed a safe spot for their bees to live during the transition. I eagerly suggested our yard! They are now happily settled into an unused spot next to our water tank and I am already so in love with them that I don't want to give them back.

The poor bees weren't too impressed with the move initially, but they settled down in an hour or two. The first two boxes came yesterday and we watched from the garage window as their flurry of anger subsided. The last box came today, and they were so happy to be reunited with their Queen that they settled quite quickly.

I was able to walk right past the hive this afternoon with no worries. I stopped several times throughout the day and watched them as they flew off on their adventures and found it quite calming viewing. This afternoon the hive activity peaked with 'flight school' for the younger bees. 

The children are as fascinated about our new guests as I am. We have a trip to the library planned tomorrow so that we may find our more about the life of a hive.

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