Sowing our future food

 1 Garden purchases, 2. One freshly turned and planted veggie patch, 3. Potting up seeds, 4. Making use of egg cartons to plant out seeds when I ran out of pots!

I don't tend to garden much in Summer. It's too hot here in Brisbane, and I'm much more a cardigan person than a sun lover. Prickles, flies, mosquitos. The best thing about Summer is the fruit! Thus, I have been planning out my Spring garden, trying to squeeze as much as possible in the during the coming months, before taking a break when the heat becomes too much.

Yesterday I started planting out our side veggie patch, added a few more strawberries to the garden surrounding our Camelia and continued in my mission to fill every available space in the letter box garden with flowers and herbs. I had intended to pot up my new seeds, but an insistent bee had other ideas, so I retreated!

Without my bee companion today, I potted up every empty plant pot, as well as a few egg cartons too. Snuggled in their seed raising mix I have - Rosella, rainbow carrots, Nantes carrots, Paris market carrots, okra, sage, baby's breath, broccoli, beetroot, honesty mix, thyme, dahlia, chamomile, sweet marjoram, yellow pear tomato, peppermint, angled luffa, rocket, peas, sunflowers, roma tomato, soy beans, seed potatoes, seed sweet potato and mixed lettuce. Currently growing in the garden we have blueberries, mulberry, mint, parsley, rosemary, nasturtiums, marigolds, peas, beans, cherry tomatoes, dragon fruit, pumpkin, strawberry, passionfruit, dwarf mandarin, schallots and comfrey. I still have a long list of fruit, veggies, herbs and flowers I would like to fill our beds with, but this is a start and I look forward to looking back at this post come Summer and seeing what we harvested and what we lost. Then I can start planning again for next year.

What are your plans for Spring? What's growing in your garden?

1 comment:

  1. You're going to have an amazing selection in a month or two! Seeing all those pots is inspiring. Might have to steal your idea of using egg cartons. I currently have the easy leafy vegetables...bokchoi, lettuce, spinach, parsley, plus leeks. I'll plant some more variety in another month or so, when our nights grow a little warmer here in NZ.
